Amigara Fault

During that week in class we focused on Japanese Horror and I happened to read The Enigma of Amigara Fault. I've seen quite a few scary movies and read a couple spooky books here and there, but it's rare to find something in horror that really sticks with you. I talking about that story that sort stays in the back of your mind and when you happen upon a situation that even remotely resembles the plot you find yourself being real spooked. A good example of this for me is the movie Gremlins. Yes Gremlin, I watched it as a small child and it still freaks me out. I hear a crash in my kitchen late at night or the song " Do you hear what I hear" you know damn well I'm checking ever nook and cranny in my house for those little monsters. After reading this Manga I can't help but think of this story when I see any dark space like a closet of something. The concept that every person has their own carving that they have some unknown urge to venture into really gets under my skin. I mean it's only human nature to be curious about what we don't understand, but this concept still bothers me and I love the fact that there really isn't any "monster".  The story just focuses on the possible ideas of what could happen and the tension built around it. In a way it's kind of a character study mixed with a few creepy images. 
Overall it was a unique story with a very vague and interesting idea. Anyone into horror should defiantly read it. 


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